Outsource Back Office and Boost Your Social Media Presence for Business Benefits

The boom of social media and expansion of its user base has opened up new opportunities for businesses to tap into. Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have become the face of social networking. People young and old are getting hooked, spending a major part of their lives accessing these innovative platforms. It would be foolish for any business to not exploit this wonderful opportunity offered by these platforms. However, most companies do not have the necessary capabilities or time on their hands to carry out social media marketing tasks with any conviction. Therefore, it is a wise decision to outsource back office and take the help of experts in the field.




How to Find Back Office Outsourcing Services with Expertise in Social Media?

The trend in the ITES industry is such; that most outsourcing vendors who have had tasted some success in one niche or another claim to have mastered all fields. No one wants to miss out on a business opportunity, which is why; everyone puts on his best face to impress a potential client (and does not show their actual credentials). Thus, the onus lies on you to be proactive and do thorough research on back office outsourcing vendors who claim to be social media experts. Below are different ways in which you can gauge and analyze their level:

  1. Check their company website on Google – First and foremost, do the easiest thing in the world by checking their website. A good company takes care of its website and hence, by looking at the website you will get a rough idea about them.
  2. Read testimonials – Testimonials left by former clients give an indication about how well the company was able to handle a particular project. Read them and get new insights.
  3. Check them out on LinkedIn – LinkedIn is probably the most suitable platform to learn about the credibility of a company. Spend some time on it and browse through the profiles of employees who are part of the social media team that the company employs.

After browsing through so much data online, you will be able to form an opinion of the outsourcing back office services provider. Once you have all facts about them, you can make your final decision on whether to employ the back office outsourcing services provider.

Skills That a Social Media Back Office Outsourcing Services Provider Should Have

A social media back office outsourcing services provider should have good knowledge of all the popular social media platforms. Some basic skills that he must have to carry out an effective social media campaign are:

  1. He should be able to navigate through your company’s Facebook account and check on wall posts along with replies. He should also be able to utilize the data found in your Facebook insights and also add updates to the status on your wall.
  2. He should have good knowledge of making quality videos and uploading them on YouTube. He should also be able to add comments and create playlists for attracting users.

Last but not the least; he must have good command over Twitter platform. He should be able to observe brand mentions along with discussions taking place about the industry. He should know how to send status updates, check messages, and also write witty and appropriate messages within the Twitter prescribed limit of 140 characters.